♥Key Dates♥April 28 Moon Circle at Southern Cross University 6.30pm
May 1 Star Circle for young people (suggest 8-12yrs) 10am
May 14 Moon Circle at usual Lismore location
Contact me for further information: 0405 656 797 or centrecleansecreate@gmail.com
the Centre ♥ Cleanse ♥ Create project: News
This week's April 28 Full Moon Circle is delighted to join the LEXUS Student Union's 'Let's Talk About Sex' Talking Circle, at Southern Cross University. The sexual nature of the Scorpio energy makes this fusion apt and timely.
Apart from an interest in supporting individual and collective growth, human rights is also a passion of
the Centre ♥ Cleanse ♥ Create project - so stay tuned for future developments and events.
Hallo and welcome to the powerful and intense Full Moon in Scorpio; think enlightenment, transformation, metamorphosis and rebirth. Yes, this is a BIG one and we also have the Celtic New Year from April 29-May 1 which invites a similar energy of death. So...what is changing or what feels different for you? Become conscious of this important cyclical process, embrace it and flow with it.
I acknowledge the traditional custodians of this beautiful and sacred land
I acknowledge the Universal Life Force - Love
I acknowledge the value in the spiritual teachings of every culture
I acknowledge my responsibility in being aware of how my actions affect others
I acknowledge my printed sources; Dianne from Dreamspell Australia and Ashtara
♥Why are the Moon Cycles so Important?♥
Let's start at the beginning. The Moon and it's cycles affect our internal body processes, feelings and thoughts. So when we consciously work with the Moon, we're able to positively influence these aspects. The Moon is a feminine energy so it also supports and helps to grow the intuitive, compassionate and nurturing parts of Self.
The New Moon is a perfect time for seeding new ideas and setting new goals - ideas and goals that benefit the growth and wellbeing of you and all living things are the ones Grandmother Moon loves to nurture and support best. Think global, Act local.
Over the 14 days that follow a New Moon, the newly planted seed will 'throw up' related psychological issues and themes - what needs to be dealt with in order for your seed to grow and flourish? Emotions can build during this time and if suppressed can build pressure within the body.
The Full Moon provides illumination and revelation toward the psychological themes that arose, and with awareness, the next 14 days is about consciously releasing destructive thought patterns, suppressed emotions or whatever is hampering the growth of your seed. This release simultaneously relieves any pressure.
The Full Moon can also be a time of inner conflict relating to your spiritual, emotional, mental or physical body. In this case, a Full Moon can be very uncomfortable and depressing. In this case, an incongruence between your soul's path and reality is indicated - you are being urged to get back on track.
The Moon cycle and the associated process begins again at a New Moon. So you see working with the Moon cycles is about growing and releasing, birth, death and rebirth, manifesting. It represents the cyclical nature of life and provides direct and ongoing opportunity to create, grow and evolve.
♥Mayan Calender♥
The Mayan's had many calenders, I refer to the Lunar Calender and the Tzolkin Calender.
I like the 13-Moon Lunar Calender because it's based on the Moon (!) but also because its' messages and wisdom come via the animals (totems) connected to each Moon. Thus it is the animal's characteristics and behaviour that provide the teaching of that Moon. I feel this kind of 'Animal Dreaming' is important and relevant and I place great value on the animals that 'show' themselves to me each day, contemplating how I can learn from their presence.
The Tzolkin or Dreamspell Calender, in my opinion, is a tool created to support Universal growth and evolution during these global transitionary times.
Lunar Calender: Moon 10 - Planetary Moon - Apr 4-May 1 - Totem Dog
With only a few days left in this Moon, you have a chance to consciously harness and incorporate what it offers. Let's review it's energy...
Firstly the number 10 = collapse and disintegration leads to a new beginning. This compliments and further amplifies the transformational quality of the current Scorpio Moon and Celtic New Year. The Dog teaches us the qualities of loyalty, protectiveness and friendliness. Love is key here, the Dog is affectionate and lovingly generous. The Dog reminds us that pleasure can be simple, play like a puppy whilst honouring that loyalty.
Tzolkin Calender: White Wizard Wavespell - Apr 22-May 4
Since we last spoke we've completed a cycle and begun a new cycle of this 260 day calender - there's the death, rebirth energy again! As of April 28, we are 20 days into the new Tzolkin Calender and in the second wavespell - White Wizard Wavespell. This is about exploring the extraordinary - follow the rabbit into the rabbit hole. Explore other worlds, especially where a bridge presents itself.
♥Western Astrology♥
This information incorporates energy created from the Scorpio Full Moon, the Sun in Taurus and significant planetary relationships and movements.
At this time, take it easy, chill out and accept the delays and backlog in communications (including contracts, travel and communication equipment).
Rebirth into a new state of being - release "old stuff" (psychological patterns), issues related to misuse of power may arise.
You may feel difficulty in expressing your truth and find relationships difficult at this time.
Trust and betrayal of trust including hidden secrets may be revealed. Note that these things surface so we can understand and correct them in order to move forward.
This is a time of deep transformational healing and purification via intimacy and inspired revelation. Profound metamorphosis is possible now.
Scorpio is a most powerful sign - consciously work with the process of being the best you can be.
Scorpio is a water sign. It's related to intense emotions of which the truth is buried very deeply. It relates to strong themes; sex, money, power, death/rebirth.
Taurus is an earth sign. It is grounded, practical and material. Think values, talents and creating substance and abundance. Also sensual, beauty of nature and the respecting of body and senses.
Taurus rules the throat - chanting meditations are very appropriate to clear and centre this area. Issues connected to speaking your truth may arise.
It is time to discard old beliefs to make way for new ideas.
Improve your inner and outer communication. What is the energy of your inner thoughts - consciously create a loving congruency between your inner communication (with yourself) and outer communication (with others).
This is also known as the Wesak Full Moon - most powerful and intense, associated with enlightenment.
♥Final Words♥
If you only have love for your own race
Then you only leave space to discriminate
And to discriminate only generates hate
And when you hate then you're bound to get irate
Madness is what you demonstrate
And that's exactly how anger works and operates
You gotta have love just to set it straight
Take control of your mind and meditate
Let your soul gravitate to the love
~extract from 'Where's the Love' - Black Eyed Peas~
You have the right to have your basic needs met.
Everyone is entitled to live in economic, social and cultural conditions
that allow them dignity and let them develop as individuals.
All countries should do everything they can to make this happen.
~Article 22 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights~
♥With Love and Blessings Helene♥
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