Hallo and welcome to this very special Full Moon in Sagittarius, which coincides with a major cyclical ending and beginning. At this time we reach the end of the Mayan Serpent Moon and begin the Rabbit Moon. In the Mayan Tzolkin Calender, we complete the Yellow Sun Wavespell and the Red Eastern Castle of Turning (like the end of a season). We reach the end of Autumn and move into Winter. Planets make influential movements that now call us to serious ACTION and a NEW BEGINNING. So without further ado, let's look at the four main themes for the next two weeks......
- I acknowledge the original custodians of the Australian lands, the Aboriginal People. I acknowledge their strength and resilience against great adversity. I acknowledge their core philosophy of a fundamental INTERCONNECTEDNESS amongst all things; land, ocean, mountains, rivers, people, animals, stars, trees, moon.....
- I acknowledge my ELDERS, past and present, who's wisdom I hear, when I am still long enough to listen
- I acknowledge the Galaxy made up of STARS as, according to the Mayan People, the Mother of all Creation
- I acknowledge Mother Earth
- I acknowledge the Whale, Mother of the Ocean
- I acknowledge the Universal Life Force - LOVE
- I acknowledge my printed sources; Ashtara, Dianne from Dreamspell Australia, Molly Hall, Dipali Desai
First I must honour the Full Moon, which brings us COMPLETION, revelation, inspiration, illumination. We are on the tail end of a major shift where the energies were specifically amplified to support our transformation, metamorphosis, metaphoric shedding of skin. It is time to tune in and ask for illumination on how you can support the completion of that process, because not far ahead is the time to ACT.
May 30 signifies the completion of the Mayan Yellow Sun Wavespell, which appropriately provides us the energy of enlightenment. Coupled with the Full Moon, we have a few more days to tap into the revelations and insights these energies offer. Everyday holds the potential for 'light bulb' moments - let the light reveal what was hidden in the dark. Consciously intend to learn something important. Endurance leads to transcendence, harness this energy and achieve a rise in consciousness.
Key Days - Friday 28 May: love releases us AND Saturday 29 May: cooperation with magic
These days carry heightened energy and synchronicity, easier travel between dimensions and deeper connections.
Monday 31 May begins a new 52 day Castle in the Tzolkin Calender. The Tzolkin neatly divides into 5 Castles, which are likened to Seasons. Each Castle brings a new set of 4 Wavespells: 13-day creative cycles aimed to directly support our evolution and growth. More news about that next time.
Saturday 29 May brings us to the end of the Mayan Serpent Moon. This was all about healing through setting free what is weighing us down. Shedding skin, feeling renewed and re-creating yourself were all themes of the Serpent Moon. Death, new birth and enlightenment are key words here.
So we can see, a cyclical ending is upon us - make the most of the next week to complete whatever needs completing, at whatever level that needs to occur (spiritual, emotional, mental, physical). Take ACTION now to free yourself of any limiting and restrictive situations, as there will be a strong energy change shortly that asks us to focus in a different way.
Changing of cycles can be uncomfortable and difficult, as we move through this change, watch your hips, sciatic and thighs. Getting 'stuck' or stagnant can cause these areas to play up, this is a FORWARD FLOWING energy, so get moving.
A major planetary shift will occur on Sunday May 30, signifying a five month 'review' period is over and now is the time for ACTION. Over the last five months you may have; created new patterns for living, changed direction, redefined boundaries and re-evaluated goals. ACT upon INSPIRED thought. Recognise the Divine in you and express yourself from that place. Expect this to influence your career path, new rules and regulations, a new life structure, a new discipline and a renewed dedication. Stay flexible and open to the winds of change and remember, you cannot escape what you came here to do. The quicker you get on board, the easier it will be.
Sagittarius loves to contemplate and furthermore, Sagi loves to go deep. So use the next 28 days to ask questions like; Who am I? Why am I here? What is the purpose for my existence? Who is the Creator? Use this time to advance your knowledge and understanding through intense study or travel.
A rare planetary alignment indicates something 'LANDMARK' is soon to be revealed. This will most likely relate to a new direction in the spiritual growth of humanity and a new advance in material or spiritual science. Whatever it is, expect a mass raising of consciousness, an expanding in the understanding of the world and a propelling forward into the spotlight of the SCIENCE OF ENERGY.
Sagi time is time to quest for life's meaning and purpose. The high intuitive capabilities of this sign, emphasise we have access to the answers, both within and without. Let me explain the without part a little - now is time for the truth, meaning and purpose of human existence to be revealed. The Ancestors are connected to us all, they know of the great changes before us and they are passing on Ancient Wisdom to support and guide us. Tune in, become a channel for this information, receive the download and create consciously from HEART. New Science connects to Ancient Wisdom, creating a great leap in human consciousness.
Tap into your inner soul knowledge. Visit ancient SACRED SITES. Acknowledge your INNER WISDOM. Journey on a quest for self-understanding and enlightenment - be willing to LISTEN and really HEAR your inner Self - notice feelings, bodily sensations, intuition, telepathy - these are doorways to your TRUTH.
With this Full Moon comes a growing sense of EMERGENCY, something BIG is emerging. You may find you have a restless need to KNOW and that's great because it keeps you searching for KNOWLEDGE - soon you will connect the dots and see the bigger picture about something - your body will tell you when you've tied it all together. Your mental thought is alive right now (great for exams!), keep asking deeper questions, remember Full Moons reveal and illuminate. Note synchronicity, signs and dreams that hint at a pathway to follow.
We are reaching the end of the 'old' way of living, there is much to be experienced, seen and learned now. Receive flashes of knowing that place you where you need to be.
Planetary challenges activate old wounds that were resting in the subconscious, this will likely create emotional upset. Be willing to identify, acknowledge and be responsible for your emotions - this means making space for reflection, journalling, processing. Are you willing to set your emotions free? The energy supports letting go of fear that manifests as feeling insignificant, small, seperate, self-doubting, inadequate. Let it go and feel yourself expand and connect - take positive creative action.
This is about inspiration, intuition, drive and enthusiasm. Aim for your life target, fire your arrow carefully and deliberately, with full focus and attention, to hit your target.
There is also a sensualness in the air - think sultry, sexy, hot and red. Huge activation, a time to express your individuality with boldness - pushy, passionate and direct. This is about change for the better and this comes with a FORWARD BLAZING energy. Phew! Expect a CATALYST to prompt you into action or dive you into change and furthermore, this is a change for evolution.
Yes expect to burst into a new awareness, with a new adventure just around the corner. There is an essence of "futuristic visionary" stuff, use your inner sight to guide you. A likelihood of an expanded world view, which will prompt you to make necessary changes. Work on whatever is in your power to do so, a routine that gives continuity is helpful here.
Due to planetary positioning, there is also the potential for extreme mood swings during this time - oscillating between feeling optimistic and high to feeling limitations and challenged. Be gentle with yourself!
There is lots of FIRE here, which can be volatile, eruptive, disruptive. Use this time to stir up creative potential and new opportunities, but be aware we may also find dense, unbalanced, dysfunctional energies come to the surface. REMEMBER STILLNESS - absolutely crucial.
Become aware of your thoughts, the way you think, move, learn and speak. How do you use language and words to speak your truth? All this is very important now as the time has come to connect and unite with others through networks. Your ability to LISTEN and really HEAR is crucial.
Clean up your personal life and unite with others to CLEAN UP THE WORLD. Now is time for ACTION.
Now is a time that brings spontaneous collective awareness, a global fresh start, a fire begins in the collective mind. More hidden truths will be revealed, you may meet people sharing news and facts on the ground.
There is a growing global connection happening, it is TIME FOR PEOPLE TO BAND TOGETHER for a unified response to societal, environmental and economic change.
~Hopi Elder~
~Albert Einstein~
In Love, Helene