Greetings and Salutations. My name is Helene Collard. I believe in the Flower of Life, a sacred geometric symbol that tells the story of interconnectedness amongst all living matter; humanity, earth, sun, moon, sky, ocean, animals... Furthermore, the Flower of Life depicts the wellbeing of all within this web, as maintained via quality and balanced relationships. This means acknowledging and consciously nurturing our connections; with ourselves, our fellow brothers and sisters, animal life, plant life, sun, moon, sky, ocean....all living energy.
I acknowledge the traditional custodians of this sacred land, the Widjabul Peoples of the Bundjalung Nation. I also acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land where I grew up, the Wurundjeri Peoples of the Kulin Nation.
I acknowledge the concept of cultural safety; where I am free to identify with and share my values and beliefs, without fear of assault or judgement; spiritual or otherwise. Within this safety, I agree to be self-responsible and aware of how this information may affect other people and living energies. I also set the intention of this space as non-denominational; where people of all faiths, religions, spiritual persuasions and curiosities are welcome to explore, connect and contemplate.
As I will be sharing information gained from research, I acknowledge my printed sources; Dianne from Dreamspell Australia, Robbyne LaPlant, Stella Woods, The Meditation Society of Australia and Daniel Sowelu.
On 26 December we entered a new Castle in the Tzolkin (Mayan) Calender. Let's do a quick re-cap on the key terms for the Tzolkin Calender to help us understand what this means:
- The 260-day Tzolkin is one of the oldest Mayan Calenders. The Tzolkin continuously and directly supports and guides us to consciously grow and evolve.
- The Tzolkin neatly divides into 5 sections called Castles. Each Castle lasts 52 days. The Castles are like seasons, each with their own character.
- Within each Castle are 4 Wavespells. Each Wavespell lasts 13 days. The Wavespells are creative cycles with specific themes - Wavespells help us consciously focus on particular aspects for personal and collective growth.
- Within the 260-day Tzolkin are 56 Portal Days. Portal Days contain; heightened energy, access to amplified awareness and sensory experience, offer a greater opportunity for information exchange and multi-dimensional insights. Use Portal Days to activate dormant potential and evolutionary transformation.
Ok, now back to the update...on December 26 we entered the 4th Castle in the Tzolkin -
Yellow Southern Castle of Giving (Dec 26-Feb 15)
Now remember, this is likened to a change of season. For those that felt the intensity of the last Castle (52 days), this one will come as a welcome relief.
Here's some information on the first 13-day Wavespell in this Castle - the one we're experiencing right now:
Red Earth Wavespell - Evolution (Dec 26-Jan 7)
This is the 13th Wavespell in the Tzolkin. As mentioned earlier, the duration of each Wavespell is 13-days and the 13th Full Moon for 2009 occurs within this Wavespell. So what is the significance of the number 13?
Number 13: Totality, Completion, Power, Realization, Attainment, Purification, Cleansing
13 brings completion to a time of testing, struggle and death. It symbolizes the death of oneself and the birth of spirit (spiritual growth). 13 is a full cycle in the Mayan, Celtic, Native American, Lakota and other Indigenous philosophies. 13 is also connected to sacred geometry, especially the Flower of Life, again highlighting the continual cycle of destruction and the creation of life.
So...back to the Red Earth Wavespell. Now is a time to focus on your personal growth - consciously strengthen yourself; spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. This is a time to ask 'how can I be the best I can be?' and then take direct action. Are you on your way to reaching your full potential? Make the necessary changes so you can answer 'Yes' to this question. Dedicate these 13-days (up to 7 Jan) especially to growing consciously - become stronger, smarter and more useful to the planet. Evolve and become closer to Earth. Rekindle the love you have for the Earth.
Portal Days: Sun 3rd Jan and Wed 6th Jan.
Also, Thurs 7th Jan is 13th day of the 13th Wavespell...
The second Wavespell in this Castle is;
White Dog Wavespell - Love (Jan 8-Jan 20)
And the message? Give someone you love your heart, and someone may give you some love. More about that closer to the date, for now it's evolution all the way (to love).
So while all this is happening, we've come into a New Year according to the Solar Calender. A New Year accompanied by a Full Moon and a Lunar Eclipse - very powerful stuff.
The Full Moon is in Cancer, while the Sun is in Capricorn. To experience a Full Moon on New Years Day offers us powerful potential now and also acts as a precursor for the year ahead.
Therefore, 2010 will be a peak year of illumination, inspiration, revelation and full power.
More specifically, 2010 is a YEAR OF REBALANCING MASCULINE & FEMININE aspects -
of Self and the outer world.
Our personal and collective mission is to balance masculine and feminine aspects so both are peaking in strength and radiance and complementing eachother.
This year will illuminate 'what's really going on' on many levels - particularly the degree of balance between masculine and feminine aspects of Self and the World. Here's an idea of what I mean regarding masculine and faminine aspects;
FEMININE energy is likened to the Mother. Nurturing and compassionate. Possessing a deep understanding of the concerns of all souls; human, animal, plant and mineral. Deep empathy. Spiritual connections. Patience. Embracing feminine energy increases unity and connection.
MASCULINE energy is likened to the Warrior. Acting with complete confidence and faith while in communication with my spirit and conscience. The Warrior acts decisively and with clear purpose. Duty to my heart (my authentic and true Self) comes first....Reason, or consulting my objectivity and mental/emotional intelligence comes second. Here it is the flow of love that powers action and connects the Warrior to the infinite power of God/Universe/Great Spirit...The Warrior uses fear as a springboard for action and is empowered and strengthened through this process - transforming fear into clear and decisive action. The Warrior understands fear must be channelled into calm and positive action. Masculine energy is about the strength and power of the flow of love, about the example I set, how I empower and inspire others, how I rise above division and how I give others a hand up.
Both Men and Women need a balance of masculine and feminine energy.
At the core of feminine and masculine aspects is LOVE.
Masculine and Feminine aspects exist in everything, now and this year we are asked to
ACT TO RESTORE BALANCE...reflect on the degree of balance in masculine and feminine aspects within; yourself, family and friends, local government, global governance, education system, legal system and more.
Now and this year, your lifestyle, work and relationships will indicate to you the degree of inner integration of masculine and feminine qualities. Review, Re-evaluate and make change if necessary! This is a year of accessing great power to make deep change on any level - use it to make real breakthroughs. Move beyond rigidity and dogma to embrace your creative visions - there is potential for real change.
January 2010 is huge for any healing work and combined with our current Mayan 'Evolution' Wavespell, right now is potent for any cleansing, releasing and processing of traumas, old patterns, belief systems, fears, guilt, hurts, insecurities and disappointments...
We also have major planetary movements to contend with, one in particular which brings fierce energy or passion, rage and arguments. The purpose of this resistance-like energy is to force us to align our actions and goals with our true nature. Expect underlying greivances to become apparent. It's very important at this time not to over-extend yourself, don't be afraid to say 'No'.
Finally this New Year we also experience a Lunar Eclipse! Here's a little on what that adds to the already spicy mix of energies we are offered;
The Lunar Eclipse brings insight and clarity after months of turmoil and change. Phew! Expect to be more emotional and sensitive at this time. Eclipses allow us to gain insight to a new path being presented to us. This Eclipse in Cancer stirs deep waters within family and close friendships. You possibly have difficult choices to make at this time, be bold and face the reality and truth of all situations. The Eclipse arouses psychic sensitivity, spiritual instincts and emotional connectedness - discard outdated ideals or dreams as you experience awakening when clutter is cleared away.
I wish all living energy love, connectedness and abundance.
May The Long Time Sun Shine Upon You
God's Healing Light Surround You
And The Love Within You Guide Your Way
Thank you
Join me each fortnight on the New and Full Moon for the Northern Rivers Moon Circles (NSW, Lismore, Australia). These ceremonial gatherings include; practical discussion of lunar energies from Mayan and astrological perspectives, meditation, creative expression and an open sharing of ideas. Contact me for further info or to be placed on the email notification list.
The next Moon Circle is on January 15, 2010 at 7pm (New Moon).
***Interstate, overseas......or unable to attend the Moon Circles*** Moon Charts $35/$30 (sent by email, allow 2wks)
Life Purpose Card Readings $30/$25 (in person or by email)
Personal Moon Charts: What Moon were you born under? Link your birth Moon to the major themes in your life. Learn how the monthly Moon Cycles can facilitate personal growth. All I require is your name, birth date, birth time and birth place and I will email you the chart once it's ready.
Gifts and barter also accepted in exchange for all services
Helene Collard
+61 (0)405 656 797
+61 (0)405 656 797
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