Greetings. My name is Helene Collard. I believe in the philosophy embodied within the Flower of Life (pictured above); that of a sacred interconnectedness amongst all living energy (humans, earth, animals, plants, sun, moon, stars, planets). This is about honouring what fundamentally connects us, rather than focusing on what separates or divides us. This is the Law of Nature and the Language of Energy; to accept that all living energy is always in a continual cycle of birth, death and rebirth and to begin to FEEL a person, place, space, sun, moon, planets...energetically as a basic form of connecting and communicating. I wish for all living energy to experience safety, love and abundance - the theory of positive interdependence is apt here; my survival and success is dependant on the survival and success of the collective. We all survive and succeed together.
I acknowledge the traditional custodians of this sacred land, the Widjabul Peoples of the Bundjalung Nation. I respectfully honour their continued care for this land and their knowledge of the Dreaming or Creation Story of this land.
I acknowledge the concept of cultural safety, where I am free to identify and share my values and beliefs, without fear of assault or judgement; spiritual or otherwise. Within this safety, I agree to be self-responsible for what I share and how that may affect others.
I acknowledge this space as non-denominational; where Beings of all faiths, religions, spiritual persuasions and curiosities are welcome.
As I will be sharing information I have researched, I acknowledge my printed sources; Ashtara, Robbyne LePlant and Dianne from Dreamspell Australia.
Has anyone else felt lots of tension, resistance, anger, rage and uncertainty over the last 14 days? Like the very foundations of your world are shifting and changing, or perhaps your world being turned upside-down is more appropriate? Well do not despair as all this was literally written in the stars and planets. These transforming energies are helping you to; behave differently (i.e. ceasing stagnant patterns) and basically ruffle things up so much needed major changes can occur; personally and collectively.
These energies are of great benefit globally, they release all the built-up tension of the past months and offer us a brand new beginning. Rebirth, beginnings, a clean slate and the start of a new cycle are all very apt ways to describe this energy.
Now is the time to think about and visualise your LONG-TERM GOALS and PROFESSIONAL PURSUITS. You are asked to step into your soul's purpose and recognize your full potential. So I ask you; what are you here for? what are your natural skills and abilities? what or where do you feel drawn to? These energies are supporting you to get your act together and go for it.
If you are unsure where to begin, create some quiet space and set some intentions for improving your life and adding more joy and satisfaction to your world. The solar eclipse provides a sharp and decisive energy that will highlight with clarity, what action you need to take.
After the disruptions of the last 2 weeks, this is a new beginning. Infact the forward motion at play is quite strong and profound. So get going and ride the wave, so to speak.
Planetary changes last night (15 Jan) provided much needed relief to the harsh and difficult energy, which gives us the forward motion mentioned above. However give it a couple of days for the dust to settle, so by next week expect communications to return back to normal and things to generally feel lighter all round (Phew!). You can now sign contracts and make important decisions.
Relationships are strongly highlighted at this time with a harmonious alignment in the sky. A new relationship that is long-lasting and emotionally mature is very possible at this time.
These themes relate to your status in life, ambitions, reputation and goals. Engage in deep and powerful transformative communications. Experience the power of responsible, heart-based spoken truth - speak the truth of your deepest feelings and inner knowing. This is a time of spiritual growth.
Now is also time to take initiatory practical and organisational steps to manifest your ideal home.
And the last word here is; opportunities are often disguised as loss, you are asked to see beyond your 'loss' and move forward into expansion with ethics, integrity, truth and of course LOVE.
On Sunday Jan 10 we entered Resonant Moon 7 in the Mayan Lunar Calender. The Monkey is our Totem for this Moon and it's characteristics offer us clues on what this Moon is about. The number 7 also provides information for this Moon; channelling energy, psychic experiences and growth through intelligence. Monkeys are hypothesised as our human ancestors and this Mayan lunar month, we are asked to tap into this evolutionary energy by; consciously adapting to our environment and becoming more clever. The message is evolve your mind - be open to spirit and let it speak through you. Let the Universe inspire you. The Monkey is clever, resourceful and communicative, as well as naturally inquisitive, mischievious and with a busy mind. So allow yourself to monkey around and have some fun!
If this is your first time here and you are unfamiliar with the Mayan Calender, please read previous post for basic information on understanding the Mayan Calender and "Wavespells".
This Wavespell is all about LOVE. Share your heart with someone you love and someone may share with you their love. Essentially this is about matters of the heart and also loyalty.
This Wavespell begins in a few days and is all about DREAMS. The message here is to give your dreams a chance to come true.
Since this is the time of new beginnings, intentions, goals, dreams, I encourage you to dedicate space to noting what you are working towards and how you can begin or continue to nurture those plans. And so these final words are appropriate here:
I am the Master of my own destiny
All I truly desire, I create
All I create, I create through love
All I create is for the higher good of all
I am truly blessed and grateful
for all the abundance in my life
~Toni Carmine Salerno~
May The Long Time Sun Shine Upon You
God's Healing Light Surround You
And the Love Within You Guide Your Way
Thank you
Join me each fortnight on the New and Full Moon for the Northern Rivers Moon Circles (NSW, Lismore, Australia). These ceremonial gatherings include; practical discussion of lunar energies from Mayan and astrological perspectives, meditation, creative expression and an open sharing of ideas. Contact me for further info or to be placed on the email notification list.
The next Moon Circle is on January 30, 2010 at SPECIAL TIME of 10am (Full Moon).
***Interstate, overseas......or unable to attend the Moon Circles*** Moon Charts $35/$30 (sent by email, allow 2wks)
Life Purpose Card Readings $30/$25 (in person or by email)
Personal Moon Charts: What Moon were you born under? Link your birth Moon to the major themes in your life. Learn how the monthly Moon Cycles can facilitate personal growth. All I require is your name, birth date, birth time and birth place and I will email you the chart once it's ready.
Gifts and barter also accepted in exchange for all services
Helene Collard
+61 (0)405 656 797
+61 (0)405 656 797