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Centre ♥ Cleanse ♥ Create - And a new path presents.....

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Maya & 2012, Dec 2 Full Moon in Gemini/Sun in Sagittarius

Centre ≈Cleanse ≈Create

I acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land, the Widjabul Peoples of the Bundjalung Nation.

I acknowledge my printed sources; John Major Jenkins, Evie Pikler, Ashtara and Dianne from Dreamspell Australia.

I acknowledge the concept of cultural safety; where all are free to identify with their beliefs and values without fear of assault or judgement-energetic or otherwise. Moreover, in the spirit of cultural safety, I recognise the need for self-responsibility for what I contribute to this space and an awareness of how it may affect others.

I acknowledge the Aboriginal concept of 'dadirri' - a deep listening with more than the ears...a form of listening that engages the heart and body, where we feel what one is saying and allow their story to take us on our own journey of self-exploration in order to come to a place of deeper understanding about ourselves. Dadirri is where one places less value on words spoken and more value on their own feelings felt.

I acknowledge the Flower of Life, a sacred geometric symbol that embodies the philosophy of a sacred interconnectedness amongst all cellular beings. Where the wellbeing of the living Universe DEPENDS on the maintenance of quality and balanced relationships within this web of connectedness.

Mayan Calender - see last blog for basic definitions on; Tzolkin, Wavespells and Portal Days

20 Core Days: Fri 20 Nov- Wed 9 Dec
We are currently within the central column of the Tzolkin (oldest Mayan calender) - this is referred to as the '20 Core Days'. During this time:
  • the core of our being is worked on and elevated, here the Mayan energies work with us as individuals to assist us and Mother Earth
  • we can manifest and embody the Divine within and in our outer lives
  • at this time the Universe urges us to live in the present
  • we are especially close to the Source - engage in spiritual activity!
This is an extremely intense period, take extra good care of yourself and do whatever it is that nourishes and nurtures your being; art and creativity, go out bush, gardening, meditation, music, ride your bike, go for a walk, eat well, sleep well, take a bath, get a massage.....

Blue Monkey Wavespell: 30 Nov-Dec 12
We entered this Wavespell on Monday, expect 13-days of MAGIC...but watch out because the monkey is full of tricks and illusion...be wise and experience the magic. Hint: Monkey magic is powerful and requires respect...

Following that is the; 

Yellow Seed Wavespell: 12 Dec-25 Dec 
This 13-day lead up to christmas includes the 2nd, 10 CONSECUTIVE PORTAL DAY column - this one is predicted to be more fun than the first. Seeds you planted earlier can be harvested now, you shall reap what you have sown

Be conscious of the seeds you are sowing now:

plant seeds of truth and reap the rewards


I hereby declare that I believe the knowledge of the Ancient Maya Peoples to play a significant role in the future development of Western understandings and way of life.

The "2012" discourse surrounds the fact that one of the Ancient Maya calenders has an "end-date" of Dec 21, 2012 - which is the Summer Solstice. As with most things, there are various interpretations of what that means. Here I provide you with the interpretation that feels right for me.

I believe Maya mythology describes astronomical events. Most cultures/religions/spiritualities identify with a Creation Story. In Maya mythology, the Creation story highlights adventures of their most important deities and heroes - represented by astronomical objects like stars and planets. In other words, to the Maya, stars, planets and other astronomical objects were like Gods. It was only in 1992 that Maya scholar, Linda Schele emphasised this relationship between Maya myth and astronomy - a breakthrough in this area of investigation.

OK, now we go a little deeper...

The Earth spins one full cycle on its axis once every 24hours, giving us night and day...

Now. The Earth also slowly wobbles on its axis (like a spinning top) - one full wobble takes 25,800 years....yes 25,800 years...a very slow wobble indeed.

The completion of one full wobble (25,800 years) is referred to as; one full precessional cycle or more commonly as PRECESSION OF EQUINOXES and it is this cycle that is key to this interpretation of 2012.

Some may have heard that we have recently moved into the Age of Aquarius, this is a direct reference to the solstice/equinox sun rising against the constellation of Aquarius, instead of the constellation of Pisces (which it was doing for the 2,000+ years prior). Therefore, the sun rises against the backdrop of different constellations as the centuries elapse. The 25,800-year cycle of the PRECESSION OF EQUINOXES is tracked with these changing constellations against which the sun rises.

Ancient mythology from the Maya and other ancient cultures refer to a slow 'shifting of the sky' and I propose this points to a knowledge and awareness of the PRECESSION OF EQUINOXES cycle.

OK, now this is they key between this cycle and 2012...

During a precessional cycle (25,800 years), the equinox/solstice sun periodically aligns with our home galaxy-the Milky Way - creating a powerful, rare and harmonious alignment in the sky.

On Dec 21, 2012, the solstice sun will indeed align with the Milky Way - creating a powerful, rare and harmonious alignment. An alignment similar to this occurs once every 6,000 or so years - on the Autumn, Spring and Winter solstice/equinox - however only once every 25,800 years on the December Summer solstice...yes very rare indeed, the only one we will come close to witnessing in this lifetime.

Fittingly, the annual December Solstice always marks the traditional beginning point of the Earth's yearly cycle.

Therefore, Dec 21, 2012 marks the time when a large chapter of human history ends. Where all values and assumptions of the previous World Age will expire and a new phase of human growth will commence. This is a natural process where new life follows death....except it will occur on a global scale, across the entire human race.

Based on Maya teachings of four previous World Ages (2012 is the beginning of the 5th and final World Age-each Age= 5,000 years), humanity will experience violent upheaval - earthquakes, disaster, famine, plague - infact we are already experiencing this now. This is seen as the Earth cleansing and the prelude to the cyclic renewal of the Earth and transformation of humanity - with both better suited for life in the New World. Think back to your own metaphoric shedding of skin throughout different times in your life....it's painful, but renewing, healing and rejuvenating.

Now for some news from the astrological front....

Full Moon In Gemini and Sun in Sagittarius


  • Air sign - represents intellect
  • Symbol - Twins. Physical twins or perhaps the soul vs ego within ourselves
  • Represents movement in body and mind
Connected to your thoughts, the way you move, learn, speak, use language and words, communicate your truth and your ability to listen with focus, to really hear what is being said - this last point links into the Aboriginal concept of dadirri discussed earlier.


  • Fire sign - inspiration, intuition, inner-knowing, drive and enthusiasm
  • Quest for truth, meaning, purpose and self-understanding
  • Symbol - Archer. Choose a specific life target and fire your arrow carefully and deliberately - with full focus and attention. This is a time when your arrow can hit your target.
During this time some may travel, others will have difficulty communicating the truth and will avoid speaking or acknowledging it. Some will undergo deep study - probably of a spiritual, cultural and/or religious nature - whatever it is, it will deepen your self-understanding. Some may choose to focus on writing and finish an incomplete book or article.

At this time your intuition is HEIGHTENED - listen carefully 
to internal guidance and watch for inspiring and expansive ideas

Become aware of old beliefs that no longer serve you. Encourage your mind to be in the present in order to establish your truth. Remember - you create your reality.

Planetary positioning allows for GREATER VISIONARY ABILITIES (yes this is a recurring theme!)

Commit to a practical, purposeful and meaningful life target...are you willing to stretch and grow into your soul's path? Aim your arrow high.

Planets provide drive and energy to begin fresh and anew and support you to establish greater confidence and self-assertion...they prod you to 'get your act together'.

Use this available energy now and wisely - planets are moving on soon to help us in other areas, so it won't last long!

May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You
God's Healing Light Surround You
And the Love Within You Guide Your Way
Thank you.

Moon Circles:
Join me each fortnight on the New and Full Moon for the Northern Rivers Moon Circles (NSW, Lismore, Australia). These ceremonial gatherings include; practical discussion of lunar energies from Mayan and astrological perspectives, meditation, creative expression and an open sharing of ideas. Contact me for further info or to be placed on the email notification list.

The next Moon Circle is on Wednesday December 16, 2009 at 7pm.

***Interstate, overseas......or unable to attend the Moon Circles***
Reiki Energy Healing $50/$40 concession (in person or by distance)
Moon Charts $35/$30 (sent by email, allow 2wks)

Card Readings $30/$25 (in person or by email)

Personal Moon Charts: What Moon were you born under? Link your birth Moon to the major themes in your life. Learn how the monthly Moon Cycles can facilitate personal growth. All I require is your name, birth date, birth time and birth place and I will email you the chart once it's ready.

Gifts and barter also accepted in exchange for all services

 Hélène Collard

+61 (0)405 656 797

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