My name is Hélène Collard. I, like many of us am on a journey to wholeness. This is a conscious process which continues to connect me more deeply to my Self and the living Universe. Each day offers the potential for growth and the Moon Circles I host in the Northern Rivers, NSW are intended to harness and support this growth potential - for each of us personally and also collectively. This blog is updated fortnightly after each Moon Circle.
I acknowledge the traditional custodians of this sacred land, the Widjabul Peoples of the Bundjalung Nation and I respectfully ask for guidance and wisdom, as I too connect with and care for this land.
I acknowledge the Flower of Life. A sacred, geometric symbol that embodies the energy of interconnectedness amongst the living Universe and visually depicts these relationships being in perfect balance.
I acknowledge this space as one that is culturally safe. Where I feel safe to identify with and share my values and beliefs without fear of assault or judgement - energetic or otherwise. Within this safety, I realise the need to be self-responsible for what I share and to be aware of how it may affect others.
I have researched the information relating to the Mayan Calender and astrological happenings and therefore I acknowledge my printed sources; Dianne from Dreamspell Australia, Eden Sky, Ashtara and Jane Collings from Moonsong.
The Tzolkin is a Mayan calendric tool - a continuous cycle of 260 days. However the Tzolkin does much more than help us keep track of time, living consciously with this calender provides information on the vibration or energy that each day, 13-day period (Wavespell) and 52-day season (Castle) holds - the calender directly and continually provides guidance and support for growth and evolution.
Furthermore, embedded within the 260-day Tzolkin Calender are 56 Portal Days. These days carry; heightened energy and thus the potential for major shifts - including the awakening of dormant potential and a metaphoric shedding of skin. This point is quite pertinent right now, since we are currently experiencing 10 consecutive portal days in a row.
Wavespells are sacred and creative 13-day cycles which help us to grow and evolve.
The Yellow Seed Wavespell is very unique in potential - as mentioned before it contains 10-consecutive portal days (Dec 15-25) and thus is very intense. Major life changes and dramatic events are likely during this Wavespell, which will take us to 'Christmas Day'. Themes associated with this Wavespell are; sowing awareness and targeting. You have 13-days to plant seeds of inspiration into minds of others, in the hope these seeds will grow. Target what needs to be sorted in your life. Become a spiritual gardener - plant love and awareness in everyone you meet.
Due to the intensity of this Wavespell there is the potential for chaos and discomfort. If you begin feeling this way, give yourself space and return to centre - breathe deeply, sit under a tree, meditate, bike ride, walk, ocean...utilise this energy and make the life changes necessary for you to move forward.
Speaking of moving forward, on Sunday 13 Dec we began a new moon in the Mayan 13-Moon Calender - the Maya Peoples were obsessed with time and had many calenders. The totem for this Moon is the Lizard. The Lizard teaches us to adapt to our changing environments more successfully - very handy during this often socially busy time. Do this by maintaining inner stillness in order to detect and process incoming sensory information. You see, the Lizard has highly acute senses, it sees and hears all with nothing escaping its notice. It is highly adaptable and can lay low or blend in. The Lizard is also connected with dreams. During this Moon pay careful attention to the messages within your dreams. The Rhythmic Moon holds the #6 energy; community, family, good organisers, good sense of rhythm, metaphoric late-stages of pregnancy.
The Yellow Seed Wavespell and Rhythmic Moon are about moving forward and flowing - give yourself some space, return to centre and 'let go' of whatever you need to, if you begin feeling stuck or stagnant.
New Moons are about NEW beginnings, intentions, projects, goals. Combined with Sagittarian energy, this New Moon is deeply philosophical. Who am I? What is my purpose? Who or What is God/Source/Universe? are the types of questions to ask at this time. Consider this question for yourself and be open to receiving information regarding the truth, meaning and purpose of not only your existence, but the collective human existence too. The Universe always responds to our questions, it is best to be clear and specific. Initiate broader understanding, meaning and purpose for yourself - this is an active process. This is also a time to plan meaningful trips overseas or engage in advanced study - both directly connected to your spiritual growth.
As with the Yellow Seed Wavespell and Rhythmic Moon, Sagittarian energy is forward moving. Pain or discomfort in your hips, thighs and/or sciatic nerve can serve as an indication of stagnation or resistance to this forward flow.
This Earth Holy Day marks the longest day of the year and the shortest night. It is the traditional beginning point of the Earths continuous cycle and carries the energy of; full bloom or fruiting of maximum potential, ripeness, full light and beauty. Use this energy to activate your life, prayers and intentions.
May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You
God's Healing Light Surround You
And the Love Within You Guide Your Way
Thank you.
Moon Circles:
Join me each fortnight on the New and Full Moon for the Northern Rivers Moon Circles (NSW, Lismore, Australia). These ceremonial gatherings include; practical discussion of lunar energies from Mayan and astrological perspectives, meditation, creative expression and an open sharing of ideas. Contact me for further info or to be placed on the email notification list.
Join me each fortnight on the New and Full Moon for the Northern Rivers Moon Circles (NSW, Lismore, Australia). These ceremonial gatherings include; practical discussion of lunar energies from Mayan and astrological perspectives, meditation, creative expression and an open sharing of ideas. Contact me for further info or to be placed on the email notification list.
Circle to honour Summer Solstice is on Tuesday December 22, 2009 at 7pm
The next Moon Circle is on January 1, 2010 at 7pm (Full Moon).
***Interstate, overseas......or unable to attend the Moon Circles*** Reiki Energy Healing $50/$40 concession (in person or by distance)
Moon Charts $35/$30 (sent by email, allow 2wks)
Card Readings $30/$25 (in person or by email)
Personal Moon Charts: What Moon were you born under? Link your birth Moon to the major themes in your life. Learn how the monthly Moon Cycles can facilitate personal growth. All I require is your name, birth date, birth time and birth place and I will email you the chart once it's ready.
Gifts and barter also accepted in exchange for all services
Hélène Collard
+61 (0)405 656 797
+61 (0)405 656 797