Centre ≈Cleanse ≈Create
I acknowledge the traditional custodians of this sacred land, the Widjabul Peoples of the Bundjalung Nation. I express my gratitude and respect for their continued care and custodianship of the land and open myself to guidance regarding how my relationship with this land can serve the higher good of all.
I acknowledge; Grandmother Moon who governs our intuition and the continuous cycle of birth and death inherent within all cellular beings; the ancient Mayan Peoples whose knowledge of nature & the cosmos has been scientifically affirmed and the Flower of Life (pictured below), a sacred geometric symbol embodying the Law of Nature.
The Law of Nature recognises the intrinsic relationship between all molecular organisms. Within this web of interconnectedness, personal and collective wellbeing is maintained through a healthy, balanced cycle of giving and receiving.
Is your relationship with the Earth, your lover, your friend, your work, your children and most of all YOURSELF currently experiencing a quality and balance of giving & receiving?
Within the lunar cycle, the Full Moon can offer us; illumination, revelation & inspiration - similar to a 'light bulb' moment. If however, there is a large incongruence between your soul's path and your current reality, the Full Moon can be an uncomfortable experience - with internal conflict (related to this incongruence) felt on; spiritual, emotional, mental and physical levels. This Tuesday's Full Moon is known as the Mourning Moon; a time to mourn your sadness: the death of the old you. But what does this really mean and how can you do this?
By ceasing to self-medicate and beginning to acknowledge what we truly feel, we can unlock all that remains hidden in our hearts. Try writing your thoughts and feelings down everyday for the next little while, this process helps to activate your healing. We are continually experiencing loss including; loss of love relationships and perhaps joint future plans, loss of innocence and 'safe' vulnerability through domestic violence, sexual assault, terrorism and other fear-based ideals, loss of family members or friends through death, conflict, or perhaps you've drifted apart, loss of much loved animal friends & pets, loss of freedom of childhood, loss of levels of autonomy through marriage, parenthood, caring for loved ones - and many more...
it is important to know that we must grieve our losses
In Western society, grieving is the process of loss that doesn't always occur and this affects our wellbeing. We carry these losses, they become part of us influencing and even creating future losses, further declining our spiritual, emotional, mental and physical wellbeing - reducing our ability to maintain healthy and balanced relationships within the living Universe. This Full Moon is the time to tap into old hurts from your own losses and to allow the grieving to occur without judgement.
When we talk about intellect, we usually think of the brain and it's amazing capacity to; receive, process, store and retreive information. At this time however, we are asked to recognise the intellect of the heart and to let that guide us. Eternity exists within the spirit, not the body or mind and therefore the spirit holds a much wider and vast bank of knowledge and wisdom.
Remember, rest your mind let your heart seek and find.
This means NOT rationalising, analysing or semanticising...
Just feeling...find your feelings...name your feelings...feel your feelings...
Astrologically, a number of wonderful movements have, or are about to take place. The first positively relates to our wealth, expansion and growth. Therefore look for a resolution for difficult financial matters and expect more opportunities to present; including new jobs, saving money and beginning new projects. Generally all shall feel more prosperous. You are also asked to evaluate your relationship with money and to consider how this relationship is influenced by the media and other sources of negative and fearful 'global money crisis' talk. Move past fear and if money is a constant source of worry and difficulty; re-focus, re-prioritise and begin to see money with new eyes: remember money takes on the energy YOU attach to it.
The next astrological movement creates a space where many rifts are healed. Some will burn a bridge and choose to leave a broken relationship behind. This shift catalyses all the pain and difficulty you've been negotiating over the last few months, gathers all the emotion and pushes it to the surface
Act to release and transform this emotion...forgiveness is key
The third cosmic movement will take place on Wednesday 4th November, where we will feel that all flows much more easily. It will be easier to express feelings to your loved ones or a prospective lover. Here we are supported to create our dreams by gaining the sight to see through illusions.
From the perspective of the Mayan Lunar Calender, we are now in:
Moon Four (Oct 18-Nov 14): Self-existing Moon: Moon of the Owl
So what is this Moon about and what message does the Owl have for us, as our totem for the month? The Owl is an ancient symbol that goes back over 60 million years, it is found on all continents and thus has adapted to every climate. Regarded highly for its wisdom and ability to see in the dark, the Owl assists us to see the truth that is sometimes hidden. This energy is very apt for the Mourning Moon, as we delve deep into our hearts to unlock what is hidden.
Owls are powerful and strong and remind us that true power is knowing when to use strength and when to use a more gentle approach and also share the importance of timing - knowing when to take action and when to rest.
The Owl advises to let your intuition guide you, wisdom comes from within - an inner knowing that cannot be gained from books or academic pursuit. Do not confuse intelligence with wisdom.
As with the Mourning Moon, the Owl says your rational brain has its uses, but the intuitive one will lead you to be wise like the Owl. Acknowledge and consult your heart's intellect.
May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You
God's Healing Light Surround You
And the Love Within You Guide Your Way
Thank you.
Moon Circles:
Join me each fortnight on the New & Full Moon for the Northern Rivers Moon Circles (NSW, Lismore, Australia). These ceremonial gatherings include; practical discussion of lunar energies from astrological & Mayan perspectives, meditation, creative expression and an open sharing of ideas. Contact me for further info or to be placed on the email notification list.
The next Moon Circle is on Tuesday November 17 at 7pm.
Other Services:
Interstate, overseas......or unable to attend the Moon Circles??
Reiki Energy Healing $50/$40 concession (in person or by distance)
Moon Charts $35/$30 (sent by email, allow 2wks)
Card Readings $30/$25 (in person or by email)
Personal Moon Charts: What Moon were you born under? Link your birth Moon to the major themes in your life. Learn how the monthly Moon Cycles can facilitate personal growth. All I require is your name, birth date, birth time and birth place and I will email you the chart once it's ready.
Gifts & barter also accepted in exchange for all services
Hélène Collard
+61 (0)405 656 797
+61 (0)405 656 797
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