Centre ᵹ Cleanse ᵹ Create
I acknowledge the traditional custodians of this sacred land, the Widjabul Peoples of the Bundjalung Nation and I respectfully request their guidance and blessings over the information that follows. I acknowledge my spirit sources: Grandmother Moon, Grandfather of the Rainbow Light, the Animal Spirits of this land and the Arch-Angels & Guides of the highest love and light. I acknowledge my printed sources: Ashtara and Dianne from Dreamspell Australia.
I am the master of my own destiny
All I truly desire, I create
All I create, I create through love
All I create is for the higher good of all
I am truly blessed and grateful
for all the abundance in my life
~Toni Carmine Salerno~
This Sunday's New Moon marks the beginning of the monthly lunar cycle. A New Moon holds the energy of new beginnings and thus is the time to set new goals or plant new 'seeds' for that you wish to 'grow'. The topic or theme of our new seed is guided by specific planetary positions and collaborations, along with solar energies and the Mayan 13-Moon Natural Time calender. So here's what they're telling us......
How can I consciously create inner balance so that my life is harmonious and peaceful
Invest in a personal Moon Chart (AUD$30). What Moon were you born under? Link your birth Moon to the major themes in your life. Learn how the monthly Moon Cycles can facilitate personal growth. All I require is your name, birth date, birth time and birth place and I will email you the chart once it's ready (allow 2wks).
If you're in the NSW Northern Rivers area, join me each fortnight on the New & Full Moon for the Moon Circles. These ceremonial gatherings include; practical discussion of lunar energies, meditation, creative expression and an open sharing of ideas. Contact me for further info or to be placed on the email notification list for upcoming gatherings.
I know, sounds lovely, but what does this exactly mean and how do we go about it? Well some will experience rather abrupt and direct changes and disruption. This is the theme of the 13-day Wavespell we are currently experiencing (until 21 Oct). According to the Mayan calender, Wavespells are sacred 13-day creative cycles that support us to grow and evolve. These changes and disruptions will likely involve specific life challenges, most likely related to relationships and perhaps with a focus on maturity. The purpose of this Wavespell is to help you to release that which is outdated in your life, but perhaps a little stubborn to release. The energy of this Wavespell is likened to a storm, yes a little scary, but change always precedes progress. Having said that this storm is a catalyst and things that occur during your storm are said to be not easily forgotten. Know that through making your changes, you self-generate the energy you require to keep that spring in your step to continue propelling forward. Your storm or disruption is an alarm bell asking you to develop balance in that area of your life - spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally.
When we recognise and appreciate the fundamental interconnectedness of all living things, we understand that Natural Law asks us to nourish and nurture OURSELVES - spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally. Our wellbeing directly impacts on the wellbeing of the collective, felt most strongly by those around us. There is potential at this time to place too much focus and energy on others' needs, neglecting our own in turn.
Evaluate the balance of giving and receiving in your relationships - aim for quality and equilibrium.
Step back from your life and gaze into your future, your big picture. At this New Moon, what new project will you initiate? What new seed will you plant? Remember every time we respond to our heart's callings, we honour the journey our soul is encoded to take and continue to experience deeper levels of inner peace.
Speaking of peace....this Moon is all about peace. Contemplate the image above, the Flower of Life as a representation of the living Universe, including you, me, the human race, animal life, plant life, cosmic life etc. Negative thoughts, speech and emotions from just one part of the Flower (living Universe), ripples throughout the entire Flower (living Universe) since all it's parts are intrinsically interconnected. Similarly, thoughts, speech, emotions and actions of love and peace, resonate throughout the entire Flower (living Universe).
If you began a project at the beginning of the year, planetary shifts support you at this time to expand this project, infact you may even go global.
Note and nurture the positive areas of your life that are energized right now, planetary shifts indicate they will continue to develop over the next two and a half years. Infact, the primary focus for the next two and half years is to:
Develop and maintain balance in all areas of your life
May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You
God's Healing Light Surround You
And the Love Within You Guide Your Way
God's Healing Light Surround You
And the Love Within You Guide Your Way
Thank you.
Interstate or overseas......or unable to attend the Moon Circles??
Invest in a personal Moon Chart (AUD$30). What Moon were you born under? Link your birth Moon to the major themes in your life. Learn how the monthly Moon Cycles can facilitate personal growth. All I require is your name, birth date, birth time and birth place and I will email you the chart once it's ready (allow 2wks).
Also enquire about Angel Card Readings, Reiki & Energy Balancing & Alignment
(in person or readings by email and Reiki via distance healing)
(in person or readings by email and Reiki via distance healing)
If you're in the NSW Northern Rivers area, join me each fortnight on the New & Full Moon for the Moon Circles. These ceremonial gatherings include; practical discussion of lunar energies, meditation, creative expression and an open sharing of ideas. Contact me for further info or to be placed on the email notification list for upcoming gatherings.
The next Moon Circle is on Tuesday November 3 at 7pm.
Hélène Collard
+61 (0)405 656 797
+61 (0)405 656 797