Dear Family, Friends and Community,
As most of you know and can feel, we are collectively in a time of great change.
I too am flowing with this transition and it feels right for me to conclude this cycle by bringing the Moon Circle project and Centre ♥ Cleanse ♥ Create blog to a close.
So ... please join me in CELEBRATION: of the Moon Circles, the Full Moon in Aquarius and the Mayan New Year!
This celebratory ceremony will take place OUTSIDE around FIRE with music, food and banter afterward.
Everyone is invited to contribute to the Circle by making an offering based on the theme of ONENESS (the interconnectedness that makes us part of one whole). Your offering can take ANY FORM, but here are some ideas: poetry, pictures, passage from a book, symbols, real life experiences, dance, skit, song (instrumental or with words), game, joke ..... get the drift :-)
Bring: mats, rugs, cushions, instruments, plate of food to share and your offering of ONENESS
Where: 10 Charlton Ave, Sth Lismore
Time: 6.30pm on Monday 26 July
Gifts or Donations graciously accepted
My heart-warming gratitude and absolute delight to all who have supported the Moon Circles in any way ... and the journey continues ....
Dichotomy: the splitting of a whole into two parts
Each month Centre ♥ Cleanse ♥ Create will feature a resource that supports us to flow forward ... I will kick things off with a beautiful video from UTube that touches on Natural Law and Oneness - thank you to Melanie for sending this to me. I invite you to comment via the link at the end of the page, let's get discussion, questions and comments going.
Please visit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCnWZncHH2Y
I'm also inviting YOU to submit each month's featured resource that supports us to flow forward - it can be a picture, article, video, phrase, book - anything with a weblink. Send your pick to centrecleansecreate@gmail.com
Here I greet you into this unique, creative transformational energy. We are experiencing a Cancer Moon and Sun and a full solar eclipse in the foreground and if that weren't enough, we've got quite a rare (not since 318yrs ago) and substantial planetary configuration that's vibrating powerfully in the background. The Mayan word confirms this is a time of cyclical completion in preparation for a new beginning - hence my overarching theme of dichotomy. You see on one hand we can smell our new beginning, or perhaps it's already started, yet on the other hand we are still in the process of completing an old cycle - perhaps learning difficult lessons through having 'old' habits or behaviours rear their uncomfortable head. Be aware that this energetic dichotomy is there, especially if you begin to feel a little schizoid or off-balance.
I honour loving heart energy as the key to uniting humankind.
I honour the right of each and every child, person and Elder to say "No".
I honour the ultimate creative power of the Universe.
I honour the animals of this earth and beyond. May their lives and quality of life be respected and honoured.
I honour my family, my home and my relationships. All my relations. All is One.
The fact we are in this Turtle Moon now, the last Moon of the Mayan lunar year, emphasises the magnitude of this current cycle and the dichotomy we're experiencing. On one hand we're completing a cycle, on the other hand we're moving into a new one - both happening together. Let's see what the Turtle can teach us ...
The Turtle asks us to go within our own shell during this time to comtemplate our achievements over the past lunar year. To the Maya, the Turtle is a symbol of heaven and earth and as you will see shortly, we are reminded that we are the connection between heaven and earth.
Complimenting the current Cancer energy, the Turtle carries it's home on it's back, has all it needs wherever it goes. Turtles are patient and remind us that sure and steady will get results, rather than rushing things. Pertinent advice in our current energetic climate.
That's right, this Mayan Wavespell reminds us to use our body as a vessel/channel to communicate with spirit. Your body is grounded on earth, your soul connects to spirit. Share any revelations you receive, it is unhealthy to keep these to yourself - don't be a dead-end!
A New Moon is always a time to look within and to plant seeds for something new.
The next two weeks present an opportunity to heal things related to home, family and relationships that have caused disappointment and negative perceptions. This also applies to our work and unresolved issues in need of forgiving and healing. Focus on your roots, yes understand the wisdom of your ancestors.
During this time emotional issues will most likely be a strong focus for all of us, with a particular emphasis on home and our foundations (the strong bonds that provide us security). This is a time to recognise and acknowledge the importance of family and your needs regarding your personal circle of friends (are they being met?). Due to these core themes, our vulnerability and needs will be touched. This is a great time to show support for others (since we'll all be going through this to varying degrees).
So this coupled with the New Moon means we can expect new beginnings at home, in family situations or committed relationships.
The New Moon is a creative dark. Now is a chance to receive divine guidance or comfort through a sense of belonging. Cancer draws us to nurture and protect all that lives and to tend to our home life. Cancer takes us to our emotional roots where childhood memories and thoughts of home dwell.
So what is alive for you right now? What are your passions? Your most longed for dreams? Stay watchful and seek information and inspiration that gets you excited about the new. This is an end and beginning happening together.
Yes the Natural Law applicable now is: something must end, for something new to begin. So you may be called to give up something in order to move forward into a new chapter. The eclipse illuminates where we are hesitant to make change, because we're holding onto the past (the dichotomy).
So during this energy take beginning steps now to act upon your uplifting vision for your future. You will need to rise above the other side of what's going on which may feel like resistance, avoidance and hesitancy.
This energy does spell progression, however there's some 'holding' for now ... this holding will release soon which is when your vision can really take off! Your long term plan should be to continue taking steps toward getting 'lighter', more conscious and aware - we are in a time of global and personal revolution and reform, be a part of it.
The Eclipse itself brings a nice energizing, empowering, motivating and creative energy, but this may be difficult to integrate alongside the deep transformative energy going on in the background. It may feel like a lively battle which can evoke feelings of both strength and difficulty.
This is a time to rest, a healing time to dream and imagine, however the background energy creates pressure and tension to change ... see the dichotomy? Release and movement for us and the Earth is very possible now.
Eclipses change our circumstances, they bring extra energy that helps us make much needed changes - so make the most of it. This particular eclipse is a gate-opener, a gateway to opening consciousness on some level. It's handy to know that eclipse themes can last for up to 18 months, so be wise about where you direct your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies at this time.
Eclipses are intense and change provoking. Coupled with the current background energy, during this eclipse you may feel your feelings, reactions and perceptions are strangely out of proportion to the situation.
Eclipse cycles create sudden change such as what occurred in Australian Politics - with Julia Gillard being appointed our first female Prime Minister. A new energy for the future of Australia is being created.
During this strong Cancer energy ask 'what can I do for myself that will really nourish and nurture my soul? Embrace a new nourishing path.
This New Moon allows in new perspectives and broader understanding. Under this energy you can experience renewed faith in your skills and self-belief - from here you can move forward and take steps to get things going - make that phone call, send that letter, meet with that person ... make it happen.
Expect a dramatic event that let's us know the mainstream paradigm is shifting - business as usual is over. Ideas on values and possessions will shift. Countries and corporations are on limited time regarding their reckless use of Mother Earth.
It is time to remember ... step into your full potential and serve from that place. The ancestors walk within us ... remember the old ways of your ancestors. Honour nature. Sit in silence, listen to the guidance that comes when you are still.
I acknowledge Ashtara, Dianne from Dreamspell Australia, Robbyne LePlant, Wendy Guy and Molly Hall for their research and writings into the current energetic climate. I also thank my spirit and animal guides and me for trusting them and myself, to do what I do.
I acknowledge Ashtara, Dianne from Dreamspell Australia, Robbyne LePlant, Wendy Guy and Molly Hall for their research and writings into the current energetic climate. I also thank my spirit and animal guides and me for trusting them and myself, to do what I do.