A Loving Welcome to All. Thank yourself for your strength and courage during these difficult transitionary times. We are in the final stages of this particular cycle of time, with this eclipse series being the gate opener. Over the next 14 days, finish off those old patterns - the automatic things you do, say and feel that don't feel true for you anymore. Habits of relating, reacting and habits of hiding from our relationship with the world. You'll know when something's run it's course for you, focus on the things that are really peeving you off, or emotionally affecting you. If you make the necessary releases, the upcoming Solar Eclipse (together with the New Moon in 14 days) will open new gates. Consciously intend your releases and enjoy the powerful changes.
♥ ... the philosophy of interconnectedness, governed by Natural Law - where we are equal and responsible for maintaining relationships of giving and receiving with the world around us; moon, sun and stars, planets, forests and plants, flowers, animals, earth, eachother......
♥ ... the animals that walk and live on this earth and beyond. I make sacred their life and the quality of that life.
♥ ... water. For it's cleansing properties.
I've mentioned before that we're approaching the end of a cycle and from a short-term perspective, this is epitomised by us entering the final Moon in the Mayan 13-Moon Calender.
Cosmic Moon 13: Turtle Moon 27 June-24 July
Energetically this is major, it's no mistake the eclipse series falls around and during this Moon and the planets are in very strong alignments and oppositions. A lot of difficulty and intensity will be felt, but this is only to highlight what needs to go from our lives, so we can walk through the gates that present.
The theme of the Turtle (Cosmic) Moon is 'how can I expand my joy and love?'. A good place to begin is with yourself - create more joy and love in your own heart and it will unconsciously flow out to the world from there. The number 13 is significant in many traditions, the interpretation I wish to share is of; resurrection, ascension, enlightenment, totality, precursor to completion, power, realization and attainment.
Synchronicity: a meaningful coincidence, one that holds personal significance for the experiencer (MIQEL.com). This website goes on to say (in the light of psychologist Carl Jung) that synchronicities are only valid when WE validate them - it is completely subjective. So are you validating or dismissing the synchronicities that happen to you? The Mayan Calender and the New Age is ALL ABOUT SYNCHRONICITY. Pay attention!
And now to the Mayan Tzolkin or Dreamspell Calender. We have just entered a new Wavespell, a 13-day (there's that number again) creative cycle synchronistically designed to support us during this Lunar Cycle and Eclipse Series.
Blue Storm Wavespell 26 June-8 July
Over the next 13 days MAKE DRAMATIC CHANGES and CROSS SIGNIFICANT BOUNDARIES. This is 13 days of changes and disruption - it takes a big storm to blow away unwanted things, allow the winds of change to sweep away what is unwanted in your life. This is a catalyst wavespell. By letting go of what's old within and outside of us, we gain access to increased energy levels to grow and nurture new parts of our inner and outer selves.
This energy is here to help us complete this cycle. Complimented by the Moon and Eclipses this energy is powerful and strong. If you feel stuck or heavy, say this or another affirmation over and over in your heart and mind ...
I allow the winds of change to sweep away
whatever is hampering my positive growth
Another simple and effective tool is to find a quiet space and visualise a flowing body of water, like a waterfall or stream. As you focus on the flowing water, feel yourself become the water - feel yourself 'going with the flow'. You may wish to use an affirmation like ...
I am like a river, flowing on and on forever
Simple stuff, but the body (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual body) knows and remembers this stuff... just like it knows and remembers (usually all to well) the judgements and other negative patterns we get stuck in ... begin feeding your body positive (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual) 'food'.
I mentioned the upcoming solar eclipse with the July 12 New Moon and coupled with last nights' spectacular lunar eclipse, this ECLIPSE SERIES has a telling theme ...
During this period opportunities to accept increased responsibilities can come SUDDENLY. Eclipses have a sharp, abrupt energy. The events that bring these opportunities may seem difficult, however the outcomes are likely to be positive because they aim to increase our self-esteem and harmony. The themes of this phase will go for some months so BE AWARE OF WHERE YOU DIRECT YOUR ENERGY - observe your feelings and activities.
Many Intuitives predict this Winter (or Summer in Northern hemisphere) will be a 'wake-up' call for those that are half asleep. They remind us that it only takes one extraordinary moment to change our personal and collective lives forever ... so stand-by.
This is a time of QUICKENING - expect mammoth advances
in both our internal and external worlds
in both our internal and external worlds
During this period CHOOSE to EXPERIENCE tests and challenges in order to overcome fears. Instead of allowing a loved one to cross our boundaries again, this time we will speak our truth and let them know it's not ok with us. When I'm asked for my opinion, I will give it, rather than convince myself my ideas are silly or not good enough. Pass the tests and experience the rewards.
Major transformational change is possible now, both individually and collectively. A shift into a higher state of collective consciousness will be symbolised by more global groups forming and more individual pioneers stepping forward. So join a group and/or step forward!
For some, great healing will occur during this cycle, especially connected to inner feelings of rejection, abandonment and separation. A clearing of self-doubt, confusion, illusion and deception from the mind. You can expect illumination and clarity. Clarity leads to empowerment. Now you can embrace a wider perspective to your life. The energy created during this period OPENS GATES - expect powerful and unexpected occurrences on both personal and collective levels.
We will gain strength and intensity through this completion phase that asks us to let go. Don't get stuck, transition out of what is dead and rise like an eagle, powerful, free and strong - timing is everything in this process ... remember ... I am like a river, flowing on and on forever ...
Just to give you an idea, the key planet involved in this cycle is the 'Judge of the Underworld'. This period will drag up the muck, the stench of what is rotten - yes it is confronting and uncomfortable, but this is what we need to look at before restructure can happen. Think of your muck as a piece of rotten fruit ready for composting. It's not a bad piece of fruit, it's just in the death cycle of life. Love and nurture your 'muck', but don't keep eating it mindlessly, we need to return our 'muck' to the earth - the perfect fertiliser to enrich the soil in preparation for new growth.
Expect HUGE pioneering advances to both inner and outer technology during this time. Many opportunities are available now, even in seeming dark times - this is a FRUITFUL DARK, let your HEART GUIDE YOU. This is the evolutionary journey of the soul, your soul's direction and destiny. Release fears, habits and limitations.
Because so much is happening in the spirit / energy realm, it's so important to MAKE TIME TO DO NOTHING. Find stillness however that is for you ... I am like a river, flowing on and on forever ...
... a new future [is] desperately pressing for birth through our hearts
~Mary Trainor-Brigham~
I take time each day to relax
I make time each day to nurture my spirit
I connect spiritually to a space of love inside my heart
I find peace within
I am light - I am love
Love heals
Love brings resolution
Love conquers
Love creates
Love is eternal
~Toni Carmine Salerno~
I acknowledge my spiritual guides who support my intuitive interpretation and knowing of the information I share with the world. I acknowledge the following people whose work has also assisted me to gain understanding of the current energetic landscape; Ashtara, Molly Hall, Dianne from Dreamspell Australia.