~ welcome ~
welcome to these turbulent times of change where no one is exempt. as the flower of life (above) depicts, we are all in this together. treat yourself and others with compassion and empathy (feminine qualities), whilst acting with strength and courage (masculine qualities) - this moon in libra calls us to find balance within the chaos.
i acknowledge the traditional custodians of this sacred land and i acknowledge Aboriginal Law, in particular the complex kinship systems they govern. a system of relationships between humans, animals, plants, earth, water, stars, mountains, moon, sun ... that are based on reciprocity. for me this philosophy is embodied within the flower of life. how does Natural Law look for you?
i acknowledge this space as one that is culturally safe; where i am free to identify with and share my values and beliefs without fear of assault or judgement. within this safety i acknowledge the need to be self-responsible for what i share and how it may affect you, all of life and beyond.
i acknowledge this space as non-denominational and therefore i acknowledge the value in the spiritual teachings of every culture. all are welcome regardless of faith or religion.
as i'll be sharing information from research, i acknowledge my printed sources; Dianne from Dreamspell Australia, Molly Hall and Professor Mary-Anne Bin Sallik for the concept of cultural safety.
~full moon~
the time around a full moon is very potent, in fact it can be described as full power! now this 'power' can go two ways - one side of it is about; completion, celebration, revelation, inspiration, illumination - it's about everything coming together, the culmination of something to reach a climax and those 'light bulb' moments - so what clarity or new ideas did you get? on the other hand, the full moon can be an uncomfortable, frustrating time and trigger feelings of inner conflict on; spiritual, emotional, mental or physical levels. this inner conflict results from an incongruence between your soul's path and your reality - identify what's 'off' and get back on track!
~mayan calender~
yellow star wavespell 27 march to 8 april
this is the final wavespell of the 260 day tzolkin dreamspell calender - the culmination of the whole journey - this is about integration and sharing your wisdom. the key words here are BEAUTY and ELEGANCE, so allow the best of you to shine and become a shining star in the galaxy. we are reminded that enlightenment is not a given, it is earned through endurance. this is the time to transcend, a time where you can feel the shift and feel different. shine like a star and flow with the changes. meditate, pray, reflect during this time of death and rebirth - which also synchronises with the easter energy.
~full moon libra~sun aries~planets~
BALANCE. this moon will illuminate what's needed to stay composed and aligned with your values during these times of societal breakdown (let's not beat around the bush). The energy inspires you to be courageous and true to your destiny.
find balance between fulfilling your needs and those of family and friends. be brave and move away from habits of relating that throw you off centre.
take bold action regarding activating new possibilities.
grab the reigns of your life, reclaim your power, walk tall as you act with integrity. present yourself as the power and beauty you hold within.
expect to be shown alternative pathways and have courage to act on them.
the planets ask us to review our personal purpose. what role are you meant to play in this transition? what has your unique life story prepared you for? commit to your special purpose - for yourself and for the collective, be a part of the re-shaping of society.
~what can help you now?~
find people on your wavelength, talk and share with them
create a close, practical support system - know 2 people you would call in a crisis
continue to affirm connectedness - no more us and them stuff
eat the lightest, cleanest, highest quality food you can afford
listen to your guidance about where to be
~more planets~
embrace anger as a catalyst. speak your truth directly, don't sweeten or dilute your message. don't get tied up in time-wasting conversations.
tell it like it is, this clears the air and makes relationships fresh again. Ties meant to last will survive this and emerge stronger. be bold with eachother and create space to begin a creative collaboration.
find fresh visions for the future, use concepts you've seen from other people and places, add your own flavour and make them your own.
find love among kindred spirits you're meeting.
what's burning inside is exactly what needs to emerge and be expressed. Act on your inner longings.
this is a prime time for diving into your imagination and being creative in non-verbal ways.
~final blessings~
in these times of change that call for courage and strength as well as gentleness and compassion, i find these words inspiring;
our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure
it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us
your playing small does not serve the world
there is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people feel insecure around you
and as we let our light shine
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same
as we are liberated from our own fear
our presence automatically liberates others
~nelson mandela~
*There will be no Moon Circle on April 14, the next Moon Circle is April 28*
Thank you.
Helene Collard
0405 656 797