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Centre ♥ Cleanse ♥ Create - And a new path presents.....

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chinese Lunar New Year of Tiger. New Moon Aquarius Sun Leo. Mayan Galactic Moon.


Sun Feb 14, 2010: Melbourne Moon Circle
 7.30pm @ Gertrude St Yoga Rm, 202 Gertrude St Fitzroy
Monday Mar 1, 2010: Northern Rivers Moon Circle
 7pm @ 10 Charlton Ave Lismore

Greetings and Salutations. My name is Helene Collard. This blog is an extension of the Northern Rivers Moon Circles; ceremonial gatherings held each fortnight that honour and connect with current Lunar and Astrological energies, with the intention of supporting personal and collective growth. The Moon Circles are founded on Natural Law and include; meditation, creative expression and open discussion, as well as a presentation of the information summarised within this blog.

ASTROLOGY: 'a group of traditions which hold that the relative positions of celestial bodies and related details, can provide information about personality, human affairs and other terrestrial matters' (Wikipedia)

NATURAL LAW: Embodied in the Flower of Life, (a sacred geometric symbol, pictured above). The Flower of Life holds the philosophy of a fundamental interconnectedness amongst all live energy (moon, sun, stars, planets, animals, earth, human...) and furthermore depicts this web of relationships to be balanced and whole. Within this framework the:
So...how's your reciprocal relationship with the; 
moon, sun, stars, planets, animals, earth, fellow humans going?

I acknowledge the traditional custodians of this sacred land, the Widjabul Peoples of the Bundjalung Nation. I acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land in Melbourne where this information will be shared in ceremony, the Wurundjeri Peoples of the Kulin Nation.
I acknowledge the concept of cultural safety; here I am free to identify with and share my beliefs and values - without fear of assault or judgement, whether that be spiritual or otherwise.
I acknowledge the value in spiritual teachings of every culture and recognise this space as non-denominational; where peoples of all faiths, beliefs, religions and curiosities are welcome.
As I will share with you information gained from research, I acknowledge my printed sources; Ashtara, Robbyne LaPlant and Dianne from Dreamspell Australia.
The absolute over-riding current theme is a new beginning/new direction/new door is presenting for you. So be courageous and open to inviting in this unfamiliar but auspicious opportunity.
Happy New Year! The key words here are; renewal, initiative, change, new beginnings. This compliments this year's theme as the Year of Rebirth.

Expect technological advances and innovation - physically, but also within your own imaginative ideas.

Two important words are; change and unpredictability, therefore it's essential to be flexible and adaptable. Change and the uncertainty it can evoke, may lead people into resistance and fear of the very doors that will provide fulfillment and joy. Remain optimistic and conscious when the changes begin for you.

Remember, you create your reality, so identify what brings you happiness and joy and go with that. Simplicity is the key, placing less and less value on material goods - think and feel 'lighter'.

During the Tiger year, many 'hidden' things will be revealed. This will be enlightening, however it will bring challenge and conflict, both on personal and global levels. Your commitment and intentions for peace and unity on personal and collective levels are very important.
It's time for a change! Expect a new direction, one that feels exciting and right, although unfamiliar and unknown. So look for 'right' FEELING, not reason, to guide you through this energy.

Step forward toward your new future - one that FEELS 'right' inside.

Note any new ideas that spring to mind - choose the ones that FEEL right (yes, a strong message). Have the COURAGE to pursue your new direction. BELIEVE you have the creative abilities to take this on. You can't plan or control this new direction, but you can enjoy the ride.

Planetary movements provide expansive energy that can facilitate spiritual growth and a broader understanding of your Self and the world. Perhaps a new course of study will bring previously unknown realms of fulfillment.

There is an opportunity to heal old wounds around separation, abandonment and rejection, that have caused you to feel unloved or unlovable. Remember to have compassion for your Self as you allow that healing to occur.

We are mirrors for eachother, look carefully in the mirrors around you and remember, whatever you judge or love in another, is in you. Decide to make changes where you feel necessary.

There is a strong energy of COMMITMENT to the 'fire' in your heart. Stretch yourself beyond wherever you've been before, take a leap forward and fly high into the unknown.
~MAYAN GALACTIC MOON 8~ Feb 7 to Mar 6
The totem for this Moon is the Hawk and it's this animal that provides us the energy for the Galactic Moon.

Expect strong MESSAGES and communication - be open to messages coming your way. Hawks are the fastest creature on Earth; well respected, sharp minded, quick witted and intuitive. You can trust their impeccable judgement.

This is a time for creativity and lots of new ideas.

Hawks are also predators. They are very courageous and very capable of defending themselves. Beware of their tongue, it can be as quick as their mind.

This is about harmony and integrity. Strive for more harmony in your life, see everything from a higher perspective.

May The Long Time Sun Shine Upon You
God's Healing Light Surround You
And The Love Within You Guide Your Way

Thank you.

Helene Collard

0405 656 797

Monday, February 1, 2010

Full Moon Leo. Sun Aquarius. Wolf Moon. Blue Night & Yellow Warrior Mayan Wavespells.



Aloha. My name is Helene Collard. In this space I share with you information intended to support personal and collective growth; in a way that is simple, relevant and practical. I also share with you my energy - the (non-verbal) feelings and knowledge transmitted from me to you as you are reading this. Let this energetic exchange give you a deeper understanding of where I am coming from and how that may or may not dance with where you are coming from.

I acknowledge the traditional custodians of this sacred land, the Widjabul Peoples of the Bundjalung Nation. I respectfully and humbly ask for their guidance on how I too can care for, connect with and give to the land - that shelters, feeds, holds and comforts me.

This space is culturally safe. A space where I am free to identify with and share my values and beliefs, without fear of assault or judgement - spiritual or otherwise.

This space is non-denominational. A space where Beings of any faith, religion, spiritual persuasion or curiosity is welcome.

As I will share some information I have researched, I acknowledge my printed sources; Ashtara, Robbyne LePlant and Dianne from Dreamspell Australia.
The Full Moon on 30/1/2010 is the second Full Moon for January (if you live in the Southern Hemisphere). This makes for a very intense month and hold on because we also experience two Full Moons in March. Expect intense, amplified energy created by lots of shifting and changing. This often creates a feeling of being busy, because all this shifting takes up lots of energy.

Expect a burst of creative and innovative energy - WHICH REQUIRES A PHYSICAL OUTLET. 

Change is in the air - remember the year 2010 is the Year of Rebirth, symbolised as the Pheonix Rising from the Ashes. So go with the changes you FEEL to make - this involves letting go of old patterns. This involves; conscious self-awareness and detatched self-observation. See yourself objectively and clearly - DECIDE to change whatever is hampering your growth. Look particularly at auto-reactions to situations or people that no longer serve you.

Collectively, there is a strong re-orientation from a material to a spiritual focus.
You will be led into new waters, a new future direction - TRUST you have the creative abilities to move forward in your new direction. This Full Moon will illuminate a new pathway opening for each of us (yes this is a strong message, thus it is repeated!). Open yourself to receive messages and clarity on your long-term path, as well as your path for 2010.

In the Native American tradition, this Full Moon connects strongly to the spirit of the Wolf. This animal is a loyal and protective companion. Call upon the Wolf to accompany you and illuminate your path.

The sky (moon, sun, planets, stars etc) is supporting us to complete a cycle or chapter in your life and prepare to step forward.

At this time you are likely to reactivate or revisit your past. This can involve revisiting old patterns; remember to see yourself objectively if this comes up for you - and DECIDE to change those patterns that no longer serve you. This energy can also reactivate past creative gifts and talents - so go with whatever you feel drawn to (pardon the pun).
The cosmos is experiencing a wonderful and harmonious balance of masculine and feminine, so expect the same for you and perhaps a time where you can identify areas of imbalance. Remember to release old patterns with love and without judgement.

Now we are being supported to make decisions regarding relationships in order to support our positive changes and new direction. These decisions are likely to be easy with a harmonious and supportive alignment in the sky.

If you've been doing some inner work to achieve peace and balance, fulfillment in relationships is offered and available to you now.

For some, think back to 1998 and the journey you experienced then. The time has come for you to go on a similar journey of key spiritual growth and expansion. This may include; overseas travel, new study or work or even suffering through loss. Whatever it is, go with it, this will prove very beneficial in the long-term.

Also recent problems with communications, communication devices or delays with contracts are likely to be sorted now.
From the Mayan Calender, I wish to briefly discuss the current and following Wavespell. Wavespells are 13 day creative cycles, designed to directly support our growth and evolution.

Tomorrow 2/2/2010 is the final day of the Blue Night Wavespell. This is connected to your dreams and abundance. If you read this soon, you have about 24hrs to tap into this energy and take your dreams off the back-burner where they were getting cold and DECIDE to honour their importance. Your dreams are unique to your imagination and life experience - if you don't take them seriously, who will?

The Yellow Warrior Wavespell begins on the 3/2/2010 and the theme? Your QUEST in life. And the message? Give it the respect it deserves.

So as you can see, the current Mayan Wavespells are very supportive of our new direction and path discussed earlier. An example of Indigenous and Western information and interpretations synchronising and complementing eachother.

Please note the NEXT MOON CIRCLE on SUNDAY FEB 14 will be held IN MELBOURNE at the Gertrude St Yoga Room at 7.30pm - note this is also the Chinese New Year - Welcome the Year of the Tiger. I will send out more information shortly, please don't hesitate to contact me if you're interested in coming. For those in the Northern Rivers, the NEXT MOON CIRCLE IN LISMORE is MONDAY MARCH 1 at 7pm. Access this blog for info on the Feb 14 New Moon. Dates for the Autumn Moon Circles are coming soon.

May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You
God's Healing Light Surround You
And the Love Within You Guide Your Way

Thank you.

Helene Collard
0405 656 797